Alvin awoke to the sounds of rush hour traffic pouring into Philadelphia. Slim could insulate inbound and outbound sound one-way or both ways. Alvin decided that he wanted to hear the sounds from the outside.
After making instant coffee and eating an energy bar he focused on Slim. “How should Dr. Grace contact Will Parnell?”
“Will Parnell has formed a new business. He is about to become very busy. Dr. Grace should contact him and meet him under the auspices of hiring him.”
“Sounds easy,” Alvin said.
“It may not be. The government and their contractors have somehow identified Dr. Grace and the van. They saw them in Camden. They are beginning to search the Delaware Valley.”
“What does Slim suggest?” Alvin asked.
“Slim recommends that Dr. Grace acquire a recreational vehicle and a smaller vehicle to tow behind it. Slim has identified an ideal twenty-five foot recreational vehicle in Ohio, and a Jeep Grand Cherokee. Slim will assist in the acquisition of both and change the colors. Slim will also properly register them.”
“How will Slim pay for them?” Alvin asked.
“Slim will create money digitally and feed it into the appropriate accounts.”
Alvin thought about the change that was required. “Okay. The recreational vehicle, which we will call the RV, will provide the extra room we need. Can Slim enable the flight mode while towing a Jeep?”
“Yes. Level One enables that,” Slim answered.
“Has the Level One development been completed?” Alvin asked.
“Completion is scheduled for thirty-four minutes from now. Slim’s factory for nanoparticles will be fully operational six minutes after Level One is completed.”
“Let’s go get our RV and our Jeep.”
The transfer of Slim to the RV took more time than Alvin thought it would, but it was done. With the Jeep in tow they flew back to Philadelphia in stealth mirror mode.
“Dr. Grace must plan for the security net that the government will place on the Delaware Valley. The public will be told that a terrorist threat is imminent and a picture of Dr. Grace will be broadcast using all media.”
Alvin expected something like this, but it was upsetting nevertheless. “How much time do we have?”
“Plans are being made to execute this within twenty-four hours,” Slim reported.
“Touchdown in Philadelphia. Contact Will Parnell and set up a meeting somewhere out of the main stream,” Alvin said.
They landed near an abandoned building in North Philadelphia, after Slim had reconnoitered the area carefully.
Alvin issued several commands. “Change the color of the Jeep to navy blue. Tint the windows. Register the vehicle with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and create a license plate.”
As the lights on Slim’s control panel came to life, Alvin walked back to the 3D printer that soon began to produce the Pennsylvania license plate. Once that was finished he watched one of Slim’s monitors as Slim put the final touches on the Jeep’s exterior as the flood of nanoparticles changed the color from white to blue.
Alvin took the Jeep out of stealth mirror mode and released it from the RV, which functioned as a mother ship. He sat in the Jeep and activated Slim Mobile, providing full access.
“Is a meeting set up with Will Parnell?” Alvin asked.
Slim’s voice came through the Jeep’s speakers. “Yes. You have a lunch meeting scheduled on Green Street less than one block from his apartment. The name of the restaurant is the Museum Shack.”
Alvin put the RV in stealth mirror mode and elevated it to fifty feet above the surrounding buildings where it would be safe. He drove off to get familiar with the area on his way to meet Will.
Lined with upscale townhouses, the Art Museum area is a very popular residential neighborhood. He parked his Jeep on the 2100 block of Green Street and walked a short distance to the Museum Shack.
Alvin walked in the front door and was greeted by the hostess who was standing at a lectern with a book of reservations. “Hi. Do you have a reservation?”
“Yes I do. Mr. Jeffries, for two,” he answered.
She brightened. “Oh, yes. You’re with Will Parnell. Right this way Mr. Jeffries.”
The hostess guided him to the table. His guest was already seated.
“Mr. Parnell, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Thank you, Mr. Jeffries. Please call me Will.”
“Fine, as long as you call me Owen.” Alvin smiled.
The waitress handed them menus and put out water. They ordered and she left.
“What type of engagement did you have in mind? Your email was very general.”
Alvin nodded slightly. “It’s a bit unusual, but I’m looking for someone very special that can oversee a unique technology.”
Will rubbed his chin with his right hand, and his face twisted with confusion. “I’m an accountant and a lawyer.”
“I’ve done a lot of research on you. You are a good fit for what I need.”
Will looked him over with penetrating eyes, skeptical of this strange man. “Really?”
“Oh yes, I believe that your background is in line with the type of individual that I am searching for–integrity, a solid moral compass.
“Okay. I don’t know how you would know that.”
“You’d be surprised,” Alan said.
Will considered his words. “Let’s move on for now. What can you tell me about the technology?”
“I can tell you quite a lot, but first I’d like to demonstrate it. However, we need to do it in privacy.”
“Do you need anything special to do the demo like a computer monitor or something?”
Alvin chortled. “No. I have everything I need. We just need privacy.”
I don’t have an office right now, but my apartment is right down the street. We can go there.”
“That sounds fine.”
They finished their lunch. Alvin paid the bill with cash, and they left.
They entered Will’s apartment and walked down a long hallway that passed several rooms and went down a staircase to an open living area with a kitchen at the end.
“Okay, this is fine. Why don’t you have a seat,” Alvin said.
Will sat on his couch and looked at Alvin. “I’m ready.” He smiled, filled with anticipation
“Will, this is a very small example of its capability.” With that Alvin disappeared.
Will was stunned. He was starting to panic when Alvin said, “Can you see me?”
“No. … No.” Will said in a dazed tone.
Alvin popped back into Will’s view. “I didn’t mean to scare you. This is called stealth mirror mode.”
Alvin sat in a chair across from Will. He decided to wait until Will said something.
Moments later, Will said, “What is stealth mirror mode … and what’s this all about?”
Alvin was pleased with the question. He hadn’t known what to expect. “Will, let me take your question in two pieces. Let me tackle the second part first. What’s this all about?” He stopped speaking to formulate his thoughts and continued. “My real name is Dr. Alvin Grace. I invented a new technology using nanoparticles. It’s a world-changing technology. It has vast capability.”
Will tried to gather himself. “Why did you use the name Jeffries?”
“Originally, I was studying nanoparticles and applied material science at a host of universities. My work gained the attention of many people. I was contacted by The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DARPA. They have funded many cutting-edge technologies. I was offered the chance to pursue my work with all their resources behind me. It’s what I’d always wanted to do–bring my thoughts into reality.”
“What happened?” Will was getting over his shock, and, despite his fear, he was interested in this bizarre old man and his tale.
“I joined New Horizon R&D, which was dedicated to research and heavily funded by DARPA. It was fine for many years. I was immersed in my work, and I’d never felt more fulfilled. I was in paradise.”
“What happened?” Will was intrigued.
“I started to see things that didn’t settle well with me. There were attempts to weaponize technologies that were meant to help, not hurt mankind. Eventually I sensed that they would be doing the same with me–”
“Who are they?” Will interjected.
Alvin smiled to himself. Maybe this was the right person. “They are the people charged with administering DARPA. Basically, DARPA is an agency under the Defense Department. The man handling the funding for New Horizon R&D is General Benjamin Larkin, and he works at the Pentagon. The CEO of New Horizon R&D is Chet Hackett. He’s a military man and really works for Larkin–”
“I thought he was the CEO of your company.”
“On paper, but he really reports to Larkin. The day came when I learned that one hundred percent of the funding for the company comes from DARPA, and that funding is controlled by Larkin.”
Will was nodding his head, taking it all in.
“Hackett came to me one day and told me that I had to demonstrate my work such that it could be analyzed against conventional weapons systems. After that discussion, I started preparing to take my work away from them as soon as I was finished to a point where it would be self-sustaining.”
“Yes. It can continue to develop on its own to accomplish the goals that I laid out for it. Basically, it is a very advanced form of artificial intelligence,” Alvin said. “As to the first part of your question, let me explain stealth mirror mode. Basically, the way to visualize it is to imagine a panel on your back recording what the view is behind you and transmitting it to a panel on your chest and projecting that view. Its effect is to create the same view for someone looking at you from the front even though you are theoretically blocking the view. It also works in reverse allowing the same for someone viewing you from the rear.” Alvin could easily see that Will was becoming mesmerized, and that made him even more enthusiastic and animated than he usually was when he explained the functionality of Slim. “Now, imagine millions of nanoparticles covering you or any object for that matter and performing that same function on a nano level from all positions and angles. The net effect is to render you or the object invisible to anyone looking on from any vantage point.”
“That’s remarkable,” Will said, clearly in awe.
“It is, but as I mentioned, science and technology can be used to harm instead of help.
Will remembered the terminology that Alvin had used earlier. “Do you know of other technologies that were … weaponized?”
“Yes. Unfortunately, I do. In fact, that is why I am here now.”
“What do you mean?”
Alvin explained about the toxin and his mission to find a caretaker for Slim.
Will was speechless.
Alvin leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. “Will, I know this is a lot to absorb, but the well-being of our country is at stake here, and I don’t have the luxury of time. I need to determine very quickly if you should be the one to take Slim forward. If not, I must move on. If you are the one, there is much to learn.”
Will stood and walked to the bookcase along the wall and leaned on it with his left hand while he rubbed his neck with his right. “I don’t know. I can’t answer you right now. I need to think about it.”
Alvin expected as much. “We don’t have much time. The government will put the area under intense surveillance in the name of Homeland Security. My picture will be broadcast throughout the country.”
Will was bowled over by one bombshell after the other until he was on the verge of shock. “Intense surveillance? How do you know?”
“Slim can access any computer network with ease. The plan has already begun because someone reported seeing a vehicle disappear. A review of surveillance cameras in Camden showed me in that vehicle.” Alvin took a few breaths. The dizzying pace at which events were developing was hard to handle. “I’m new at this, but I’m learning fast, and Slim is learning even faster.”
“When will this intense surveillance begin?” Will asked.
“It will start within twenty-four hours and take a few hours to really ramp up.”
Will thought about the situation. It was loaded with danger.
“Share your thoughts with me,” Alvin said.
Will hesitated. This is crazy, he thought. “Disappear again,” Will said.
Instantly, Alvin disappeared.
Will looked at the space Alvin had occupied and saw no sign of him.
“Okay. Where are you?” Will asked.
“I’m here.”
Will spun around. Alvin was in the kitchen behind him.
“How did you move without me hearing you?”
“I floated past you. It’s another function. As I mentioned, there are many.” Alvin answered.
Will sat down as Alvin walked back to the chair he had been in. “You floated–as in flew?
“Basically, yes” Alvin answered.
Will was struggling to believe what he had seen. “You can fly and be invisible.”
Alvin smiled. “Yes. These are basic functions that Slim provides.”
Will needed time to think this proposition through. “If you give me until tomorrow, I’ll give you an answer.”
Alvin studied the confused young man before him. “All right. Where shall we meet?”
“We need someplace away from people and the intense surveillance.” Will paused to think about the possibilities. “Meet me on the beach in Cape May at the south end of the promenade on Beach Avenue. There is a covered sitting area. I’ll be there at 8:00 p.m. sharp.”
Alvin liked his thinking. “I’ll be there.”
They shook hands and Will walked him out of the building.
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